GitLab CI - Part Two

· Rick's Ramblings

Some troubles I had with the GitLab CI

I had a nice thing - I had working GitLab CI configuration - and then I just had to go and change things.

I use pre-commit to run a handful of checks on a repository before making a commit. Usually just things like "lint things" and "make sure you haven't accidentally included a private key"; you probably do similar on at least one of your repositories. When definitely-not-copying pre-commit config from another repository, I noticed that the hooks were a little out of date for some projects.

"A-ha!" I said to myself. "I can automate these updates!"

Pulling up the GitLab CI reference, I set up a scheduled pipeline with a job called update-precommit (because I'm imaginative). This runs on an exclusive stage called "schedule", and has rules set to only run when ${CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE} is equal to "schedule". With a little finessing - including but not limited to forgetting to close my if statement - I ended up with a job that looks like the following:

 2  stage: schedule
 3  image:
 4  before_script:
 5    - pre-commit autoupdate
 6    - git config ""
 7    - git config "gitlab-ci-bot"
 8  script: |
 9    if $(git status --porcelain | grep -q .pre-commit-config.yaml); then
10      echo "### Committing changes!"
11      git add .pre-commit-config.yaml
12      git commit -m "ci: Updated pre-commit hooks"
13      git push -o ci.skip \
14        "https://pat:${GIT_PUSH_TOKEN}@${CI_REPOSITORY_URL#*@}" \
15        HEAD:main
16    else
17      echo "### No change to pre-commit config detected."
18    fi    
19  rules:
20    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'

GIT_PUSH_TOKEN is a project access token with permissions to push to the main branch. Annoyingly, this also means that I - as, also, an Owner-roled principle - can also push to main, which I'd rather not do. Instead, I generally prefer to use fast-forward merge requests, to keep a linear history while protecting the main branch from egregious errors.

Anyway, things were going great, right up until I realised that the scheduled pipeline was also running the validate and deploy stages, which I didn't want to happen. "An easy enough fix", I thought to myself, and added a when: never rule to jobs with a condition matching that of the scheduled job. In my head, this would result in those jobs never running for a scheduled pipeline.

I wasn't wrong - those jobs didn't run on the scheduled pipeline any more.

The previously-ruleless lint-markdown job was then not running on any pipelines with any flavour of trigger. It took me a moment to work out why - not least because I wandered off for dinner - but GitLab requires at least one rule to trigger as a when: on_success (or always, or similar) and helpfully adds an implicit one with no conditions on an empty rule block. When adding the rule: block, however, GitLab removed it's implicit when: on_success leaving only the explicit

1- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
2  when: never

that was added. In effect, I'd told GitLab to never run that job. This was fixed by adding a new rule (- when: on_success) to replace the implicit one, and the pipelines then all worked as I wanted them to.

At some point I may set up some kind of GPG signing, but that's mostly to have a long list of signed commits rather than for any actual convetional benefit.